My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home and I accepted Christ’s salvation at 6 years old; I was baptized at 9 years old. From middle school through the end of high school, I strived to follow in my mom’s footsteps and become an air traffic controller for the FAA. From the moment I made that decision, I worked hard to achieve my goal.

Then, in my senior year of high school, I received a health diagnosis that disqualified me from ever being an air traffic controller (for more information on this diagnosis, you can message me privately). It was already halfway through my senior year, and I began to feel the pressure of trying to find a new path for my future in such a short deadline. I believe that everything happens for a reason, so I knew that God must have wanted me to pursue another path. I could do nothing but pray and listen, waiting patiently for His response.

In my waiting, I began to research the different paths I could take. I felt like I was meant to help people, so I started looking into joining the Peace Corps; my only problem with this was that I knew I would not be able to freely express my religion according to their guidelines. I distinctly remember one night I was sitting with my mom, expressing my concerns about this. She said to me, “Why don’t you become a missionary then?” Immediately I felt a tug on my heart, and I knew it was the Holy Spirit calling me to that purpose.

Upon receiving this answer, I began searching for a Christian college to educate myself further on what it means to be a missionary and the depth of the doctrines of Christianity. That is when I came across Kansas Christian College, and I knew it was the perfect fit that I had been looking for. By spring, I was enrolled at KCC to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Missions. My pursuit to find my calling was finally coming together.

Over the past three years of studying and preparing for my call, it has by no means been an easy or smooth ride; however, every trouble and triumph I have experienced has pointed my to God and taught me about His character. I have truly learned what it means to live in God’s love, and I strive to share that with others.

In completion of my degree and the start of my missionary journey, I have joined Experience Mission’s Immersion team to go on a trip to South Africa in January-March 2022. We will be working with children in schools and nature reserves to serve the community in Christ; to better understand the needs of the community, we will collaborate with local leaders to find what is needed most.

All I ask of my family in Christ is that you pray, listen, and obey whatever ways in which God is calling you to support my walk with Him. Whether it be through financial support, support through prayer, and/or support through mentorship, I appreciate any and all who are called to support. I cannot thank you enough for being by my side through this journey.

If God is leading you to contribute financially to my cause, please feel welcome to donate directly to my missions fund using the link below:

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