

These past few months flew by faster than I could have imagined, and my upcoming trip seems to become more of a reality day by day. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve at my childhood summer camp, Camp Nekamo, back in June; counseling and teaching young girls, the admonishment and encouragement of fellow staff, and the Spirit of God present in every worshipful moment was something that I believe is a taste of what is to come as I begin my journey into the missions field. I know that most things will not come easily on this path, especially being called to a country on the other side of the world, but in my heart, I continue to believe that God will equip us with all we need to fulfill His call for us.

Now that I have entered into my final semester of classes at Kansas Christian College, I am more grateful than ever for the support and encouragement I receive daily from my fellow believers. Whether it be in the form of prayers, financial aid, teaching/mentoring, and even being given opportunities to engage further in the church, it is knowing I have the Christlike love and support of all of you who stand beside me in this journey that keeps me going in the moments when it would be all too easy to give up.

All this to say, I cannot express enough gratitude for my family in Christ. You all have allowed God to work in you, which is oftentimes harder than it may seem. Thank you all, and God bless you.

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